
Solar Cody

Cody Hayden, Founder of One of the industry leaders in residential solar for Oklahoma. Click the button to call or chat directly with Cody!

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Energy For The Future

Empowering Innovation with Solar Energy

Elevate your energy game with Solar Cody – where sustainable solutions meet cutting-edge innovation to power your world.

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Residential Solar Solutions

Take control of your energy bills and embrace sustainability with our residential solar solutions.

Solar Financing and Incentives

Accessing solar energy has never been more affordable thanks to Solar Cody's flexible financing options and lucrative incentives..

Off-Grid Solar Solutions

Escape the constraints of the traditional power grid and embrace true energy independence with our off-grid solar solutions.

Residential Solar

Residential Description

Transform your home into an eco-friendly haven with our top-notch residential solar solutions. Say goodbye to rising electricity costs and hello to clean, renewable energy. With Solar Cody, you'll enjoy customized solar setups tailored to your home's unique needs. Don't miss out on savings and sustainability—get started now!

  • Click the link below to get a quote for your home!

New Advances

In Solar Energy

You can see the difference in the solar industry over time.

Innovations in solar energy technology continue to redefine the way we power our lives, ushering in a new era of sustainability and efficiency. From advancements in photovoltaic cells to groundbreaking storage solutions, the possibilities with solar energy are limitless. With each new enhancement, solar power becomes more accessible, reliable, and cost-effective, revolutionizing the way we generate and consume electricity.

Old Solar


New Solar


Enhancing Ideas

With Solar Energy

Switching to solar energy is a smart choice because it offers a sustainable, cost-effective solution for powering homes while reducing reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating environmental impact.


Lower Electricity Bills

Solar panels generate free electricity from the sun, significantly reducing or even eliminating your monthly electricity bills.


Return on Investment

While there's an initial investment in installing solar panels, they typically pay for themselves over time through energy savings, providing a solid return on investment.


Environmental Impact

Solar energy is clean and renewable, producing no greenhouse gas emissions or air pollutants, thus reducing your carbon footprint and helping combat climate change.


Energy Independence

By generating your own electricity from solar panels, you become less reliant on grid-supplied electricity, providing greater energy independence and security, especially during power outages.


Increased Property Value

Homes equipped with solar panels often have higher property values and sell faster than those without, as solar installations are seen as desirable and eco-friendly features.


Government Incentives

Many governments offer incentives such as tax credits, rebates, and net metering programs to encourage homeowners to adopt solar energy, further reducing the upfront costs and increasing the financial benefits of going solar.

Harnessing sunlight for a brighter tomorrow.

Empowering homes with clean, renewable energy.


Solar's 90% production guarantee

Solar's 90% production guarantee ensures consistent and reliable energy output, providing peace of mind for homeowners investing in renewable energy solutions


Solar energy installations

Solar energy installations grew by 23% globally in 2020, marking a record expansion in the industry


The cost of solar photovoltaic (PV)

The cost of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels has decreased by over 80% in the past decade, making solar energy more affordable and accessible than ever before.


Solar energy accounted for 46%

Solar energy accounted for 46% of all new electric capacity added in the United States in 2020, surpassing all other energy sources combined for the second consecutive year.

Comments from the expert

Facts from Solar Cody

Solar energy is the most abundant energy resource on Earth, with enough sunlight hitting the planet every hour to meet global energy demands for an entire year.


Solar Cody

Solar Expert

Solar panels can still generate electricity on cloudy days or in indirect sunlight, although their efficiency may be reduced compared to sunny conditions.


Solar Cody

Solar Expert

Solar energy is versatile and can be used for various applications beyond electricity generation, including heating water, powering outdoor lights, and even charging electronic devices on the go.


Solar Cody

Solar Expert


Convenient. Affordable. $0

Out Of Pocket

Home owners benefit from this $0 out of pocket program. Click below to get a quote.

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